Friday 25 April 2014

Mobile BUzz

How to Find and Set Data usage on an Android phone/Tablet

How to find data usage on Android phones 

Hi Friends, today i post some useful stuffs for android phone/tab users, let see what i have to share with you

Ya we should have to know how much data should need for a day, week, month and even how much data needed for apps like social networking, browser and more.  We don’t have to pay but once you have crossed our limit surfing the Internet can be quite expensive, especially when there is no warning system when you have run out of your allocated bandwidth data.So sometimes we lost in main balance. For overcome this problem we have a smart Android OS [4.0 and higher version only], there is an inbuilt interface app that allows you to check your data usage and monitor it through graphs, but previous version of android may have to install third party app from play store for checking your data usage.
These interface which helps you to monitor your data usage and also warn and stop internet connection once you cross a limit automatically, so you don't necessarily need to check data balance.

Let see how to do that

Step 1: Go to Settings and see Wireless & Networks > Data usage

Step 2: Tap data usage, then it will shows some cycle graphs. And you can see a heading with two options. One is for Mobile data and another one is for WiFi. WiFi helps to measured how much data used and apps used data only. We can't set limit on WiFi. So go to mobile data.

Step 3: Tap Mobile data, then it shows sort of data your phone is currently using. If you want to set a limit for safe data connection [after topup or paid your internet connection], then you will tap mobile data into ON mode, after that you can see Set mobile data limit option. Tick check box and click OK.

Step 4: Beneath these check box you can also see two lines you can move around. The orange line is the warning line and the red line is the limit line where your mobile data usage must stop once you have crossed the limit. You can easily move these lines up and down with your finger and set your warning limits and stop limits. Suppose you have a data plan that gives you 2GB of data usage. You would like your phone to warn you of the upcoming cap when you have crossed 1.75GB. So you can set your deadline to 2GB and your orange line to 1.5GB.    

Once you can set the data limit when you have to paid data connection, you can't loose main balance or even postpaid connection and Enjoy data with Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and more.

Ok Friends I hope this article helps you and makes you happy when sharing something to someone on Social Network without Disconnection. 
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Mobile BUzz
10 January 2015 at 07:27 delete

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